So, with the huge number of kids I have this year, I really need all the help I can get. But...maybe not. Several parents are eager to help in the classroom so I am eager to put them to work. They don't get to just work with their child, but whomever needs it.
One parent has been in many times...sometimes just dropping in. The other times it is to come in and help with math. Of course they get to see and work with other students--especially the needy ones. I try to keep my routine and behavior standards, no matter who is in the room. If a student misbehaves when his/her parent is there, he or she will still get reprimanded and the kids were told this before the parents come in to help.
This "helping" parent told another parent of a child in my class that I was too hard on her son. It was an activity outside of school. The other parent has never been in my classroom or made any complaints--until today. Yes, the principal had to stroll down and take my last 4 minutes of planning time to talk to me about this child.
Now I have to take time that I do not have to discuss this "problem" with her child--a week before parent conferences. I guess this is so urgent that it couldn't wait. She also had to go to the principal instead of to me about this concern. If this is the kind of "help" I'm going to get--I don't want it or need it.
Now, I feel I do not trust this parent who is constantly in my classroom to "help." Is she just spying? Is she there to criticize the way I teach? How can she judge when she has not spent the whole day in class to see the interactions of various students. I almost feel like saying I don't need any help from parents, but that would be punishing other parents who are truly there to help.
Did I ignore the behavior yesterday when this child I've been "too hard" on--smashed a birthday cupcake all over his face to get a laugh? Heck no, I told him and any other student who did that in no uncertain terms to clean up their mess and if they EVER did that again, they would not get to partake in future birthday treats. That might be too hard, or it may be cruel--but they should have learned in kindergarten..."cupcakes go in the mouth, not smashed on your face."
So..when is our next vacation???? (Not soon enough!!)